
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

EDETA´NI(Ἠδητανοί, Ptol. 2.6.15; Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4) or SEDETA´NI (Liv. 24.20, 28.24; Sil. Ital., foil.; Σιδητανοί, Strab. 3. p. 165), a people of Hispania Tarraconensis, E. of the Celtiberi, Bastetani, and Contestani. Their country, EDETANIA,comprised the district lying between the rivers Iberus ( Ebro) and Sucro ( Iucar), and bounded by the mountains of Celtiberia on the W. (Concerning the occupation of parts of. their territory by the Ilercaones and the Suessetani, see the articles.) It corresponded to the N. part of Valencia, and the S. part of Aragon. It: was traversed by several rivers running from NW. to SE., the chief of which was the TURIA(Turiaor Guadalaviar), and, in its NE. part were some tributaries of the Iberus. The. Edetani possessed some very, celebrated cities. In the extreme NW., on the Iberus, was CAESARAUGUSTA( Zaragoza); and in the SE. were SAQUNTUM( Murviedro), on the Pallantia ( Palancia), the modern capital VALENTIA( Valencia), on the Turia, and SUCRO( Cullera?), on the river of the same name their last city on this side, These three cities lay. upon the high, road from Tarraco to Carthago Nova, the other cities upon which were as follows, beginning from Dertosa, on the left bank of the Iberus: INTIBILI27 M. P. ( Itin. Ant. p. 399: prob. S. Mateo); ILDUM24 M. P. (Itin.ib.: prob. Villa de Cabanes); SEPELACI(Itin. p. 400: prob. Burriana, near Villa Real); Saguntum 22 M. P., Valentia 16. M. P., Sucro 20 M. P. Between this road and the coast were: IBERA on the right bank of the Iberus, near its mouth; ETOVISSA(Liv., 21.22; Ἠτύβησα, Ptol.: prob. Oropesa), on the coast, NE. of Sepelaci; and, in the neighbourhood of Saguntum, Strabo mentions CHERRONESUS, OLEASTRUM,and CARTALIAS(Strab. 3. p. 159). The other principal places were: EDETA the capital; HONOSCA(Liv. 22.20, where the reading is doubtful); TURBA(Liv. 33.44: prob. Tuejaron the Guadalaviar); SEGOBRIGA( Legorbe, inscr. and coins ap. Vaillant, Num Imp. vol. i. pp. 64, 116; Florez, Esp. S. vol. 5. p. 21, vol. 8. p. 97, Med. de Esp. vol. ii. pp. 573, 650; Mionnet, vol. 1. p. 50, Suppl. vol. 1. p. 102; Num. Goth.;Eckhel, vol. 1. p. 56); there are also Roman inscriptions at Bexis, E. of Segorbe;OSSIGERDA(Ὀσσικέρδα, Ptol.: Eth. Ossigerdenses, Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4; coins ap. Florez, Med. de Esp. vol. 2. p. 532, vol. 3. p. 109; Mionnet, vol. 1. p. 47, Suppl. vol. 1. p. 95; Sestini, p. 177: prob. Osseranear Zaragoza); LEONICA(Λεονίκα, Plin. Ptol. ll. cc.:prob. Alcanizin Aragon); DAMANIA(Δαμανία, Ptol.: Eth. Damanitani, Plin. l. c.), S. of Caesaraugusta; BELIA,a municipium (Βέλεια, Ptol.: Eth. Belitani, Plin. l. c.:prob. Belchite; Sestini, Med. Isp. p. 105): these four places had the civitas Romana and belonged to the conventus of Caesaraugusta. (Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. pp. 413, foll.)