
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

EION or EIONES(Ἠιών, Diod.; Ἠιόνες, Hom., Strab.), a town in the Argolic peninsula, mentioned by Homer along with Troezen and Epidaurus. It is said to have been one of the towns founded by the Dryopes, when they were expelled from their seats in Northern Greece by Hercules. Strabo relates that the Mycenacans expelled the inhabitants of Eiones, and made it their sea-port, but that it had entirely disappeared in his time. Its position is uncertain; but, in consequence of the preceding statement of Strabo, it is placed by Curtius in the plain of Kandia. (Diod. 4.37; Hom. Il. 2.561; Strab. 8. p. 373; Curtius, Peloponnesos, vol. ii. pp. 467, 580.)