
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ELEGEIA(Ἐλέγεια, Steph. B.).

1. ( I'líjeh), a city of the Greater Armenia, which Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.13) places in long. 73° 20′ and lat. 42° 45′, near the sources of the Euphrates. Trajan, in his Armenian campaign, advanced upon this town, where he granted Parthamasiris an interview. (Dio Cass..) In A.D. 162 Vologeses III., king of Parthia, invaded Armenia, and cut to pieces a Roman legion, with its commander Severianus, at Elegeia. (Dio Cass..) I'líjehis remarkable for two warm springs (whence its name), of the temperature of 100° Fahrenheit, and is situated on a limestone rock 3779 feet above the sea, not far from Erz-Rúm. ( Journ. Geog. Soc. vol. x. pp. 359, 434; comp. Tournefort, Voyage, vol. 2. p. 114; Ousely, Travels, vol, 3. p. 471; Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. x. pp. 100, 116, 737, 829.)

2. A town of the Lesser Armenia, on, the right bank of the Euphrates, at the first or principal curve which takes place before the river enters Mount Taurus ( apud Elegiam occurrit ei Mons Taurus,Plin. Nat. 5.20). Elegia is represented by the modern I'z O´ghlú;and it is there that the Euphrates—after issuing from the mountains of Kebbán Ma'den, and having turned to the W. round the remarkable peninsula of ‘Abdu-l-Wahháb, terminated by the rocks of Munshár(D'Anville's pass of Nushár)—receives the Tokhmah-Sú, and then takes an easterly bend to pass the rocky mountains of Bháglí Khánlíand Beg Tágh. ( Journ. Geog. Soc. vol. 10. p. 331; Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. x. pp. 100, 116, 737, 829, 858.) [E.B.J]

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