
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ERGE´TIUM(Ἐργέτιον: Eth. Ἐργετῖνος), a city of Sicily, mentioned by Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v.) on the authority of Philistus. No mention of it is found in history, but the Ergetini are enumerated by Pliny among the inland towns of Sicily of stipendiary condition. (Plin. Nat. 3.8. s. 14.) It is evidently the same place called by Silius Italicus (Sil. Ital. 14.250) Ergētum, where the MSS. give the variations Ergentum and Hergentum, and this renders it probable that the Sergentium (Σεργέντιον) of Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.4.13) is only another form of the same name. The site assigned by this last author would agree fairly well with that of a place called La Cittadella, at the foot of the lofty hill now crowned by the town of Aidone. According to Fazello, considerable ruins of an ancient city were in his time visible on this spot, which he erroneously identifies with those of Herbita. (Fazell. 10.2. p. 445; Cluver. Sicil. p. 338.)