ERIBOLUM or ERIBOLUS(Ἐπίβωλον, Dio Cass.; Ἐριβοία, Ptol. 5.1) is placed by the Table, under the name of Eribulo, south of the bay of Astacus, with the numeral XII., and north of Nicaea. It is Hyribolum in the Jerusalem Itin. Leake, in his map of Asia Minor, places it, under the name of Eribolus, at the head of the gulf of Astacus, which agrees with Dio Cassius (Epit. Xiph. 78.39), who speaks of it as a naval station opposite to Nicomedia. According to some authorities, the site is Karamusal;others call the site Ereklior Eregli. The figure of a house in the Table indicates a town, perhaps with warm springs.