
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

EUASPLA(Ἐυάσπλα, Arrian, Anab. 4.24), a river in Bactriana. Alexander marched to its banks, and probably crossed it, though this fact is not mentioned. It is most likely the Khonar or Kámariver, and in size little more than a mountain torrent. The rivers in this part of the country have been variously identified by different scholars. Lassen thinks it the same as the Choaspes, the name being half Greek, half Sanscrit, Euaspes, that is, Su-aspa;Reichard takes it to be the Alishona, a tributary of the Kábulriver; Bitter ( Erdkunde, vol. 3. p. 421) and Thirlwall ( Hist. of Greece, vol. 7. p. 6) consider it the same as the Coas or Choes. The character of the country, and of the tribes with whom Alexander came in contact in this part of his march, inclines us to think the opinion of Wilson (Ariana, p. 188), that it is represented by the Khonar, is, on the whole, the best. (See also Elphinstone, Kábul, p. 328; Court. I. As. Soc. Beng., April, 1839.)