
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

EURO´MUS(Εὔροωμος: Eth. Εὐρωμεύς, a town in Caria, at the foot of Mount Grion, which runs parallel with Latmus, was built by one Euromus, a son of Idris, a Carian. (Strab. xiii. pp. 636, 658; Steph. B. s. v.;Plb. 17.2; Liv. 32.33, 33.30, 45.25.) Under the Roman dominion Euromus belonged to the conventus of Alabanda. (Plin. Nat. 5.28.) Ruins of a temple to the north-west of Alabanda are considered by Leake to belong to Euromus. (Asia Min. p. 237.)