
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FALACRI´NUM(Phalacrine, Suet.), a village and station on the Via Salaria, in the Sabine territory, and in the heart of the Apennines, 16 M. P. north of Interocrea. ( Itin. Ant. p. 307; Tab. Pent. ) It is noticed as the birthplace of the emperor Vespasian, but was a mere village ( vicus modicus,Suet. Vesp. 2). Its site is fixed by the distance given from Antrodoco, at a spot just below the modern town of Civita Reale, where there exists an ancient church mentioned in documents of the middle ages as S. Silvestro in Falacrino. The name of Falacrineis still found in the 14th century, as one of the villages from which the town of Civita Realewas peopled. (Holsten. Not. ad Cluv. p. 118; D'Anville, Analyse Géogr. de l'Italie, p. 167.)