FELTRIA(Feltre), a town of Venetia, but on the confines of Rhaetia, and included within that province according to the later distribution of Italy. It is situated about 3 miles from the river Piave(Plavis). Inscriptions prove it to have been a municipal town of some importance under the Roman Empire, and there can be little doubt that we should read Feltrinifor the Fertiniwho are enumerated by Pliny among the Rhaetica oppidawhich were comprised within the tenth region of Italy. (Plin. Nat. 3.19. s. 23; Orell. Inscr. 993, 3084; Cassiod. 5.9.) The Itineraries give a cross road from Opitergium ( Oderzo) to Feltria, and thence through the Val Suganato Tridentum ( Trent). ( Itin. Ant. p. 280.)