
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FRATUERTIUM or FRATUENTUM, a town of Calabria, mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.11. s. 16), in conjunction with Soletum and Lupiae. Its municipal existence is confirmed by an inscription on which the Fratuentini are associated with the citizens of Neritum, a town in the same neighbourhood (Lupui, Iter. Venus, p. 108; Orell. Inscr. 3108); but its site is unknown. It seems, however, probable that the. ruins of an ancient city, described by Galateo ( de Situ Tapygiae, p. 96) as existing at Muro, may be those of Fratuertium.These are assigned by Romanelli to Sarmadium, a name found in the old editions of Pliny, but for which there is no authority.The name is written in the inscription just cited Fratuentum, which is probably the correct form.