
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FRENTO(Fortore), a river of Apulia, which rises in the Apennines near Baselice, and has a course of near 50 miles from thence to the Adriatic. In the lower part of its course it formed the boundary between the territory of Larinum and that of Teanum in Apulia, and, consequently, formed the northern limit of Apulia if Larinum was not included in that country. Pliny tells us it had a port at its mouth, whence he terms it flumen portuosum Frento:some remains of this are still visible on its right bank, at a place called Torre di Fortore. About 10 miles from its mouth, it was crossed by an ancient bridge constructed on a scale of great magnificence, and still known as the Ponte di Civitate, from the ruins of Teanum, now known as Civitate, which are situated at a short distance from it. It was traversed by the high road leading from Larinum to Teanum. (Plin. Nat. 3.11. s. 16; Tab. Pent.;Romanelli, vol. 3. p. 11.)