
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. Hdt. 7.122, a town on the N. coast of the peninsula of Sithonia, which Colonel Leake ( Trav. in North. Greece, vol. 3. p. 155) takes to have been the same place afterwards called PHYSCELLA(Plin. Nat. 4.10; Pomp. Mela, 2.3.1), a distinction which was required, as there was another Galepsus at no great distance.

2. A colony of Thasos, on the coast of Thrace, which was taken by Brasidas after the capture of Amphipolis (Thuc. 4.107), and retaken by Cleon in the ensuing year. (Thuc. 5.6.)
Livy (Liv. 44.45) relates that Perseus, when flying from the Romans, after the defeat at Pydna, sailed from the mouth of the Strymon to Galepsus on the first day, and on the second to Samothrace, which renders it probable that it was one of the most remarkable harbours of the intervening coast, which data can only be reconciled at the harbour of Neftér, which is situated 2 hours to the S. of Právista, just within the Cape forming the W. entrance of the Gulf of Kavála, where still remain the ruins of a Greek city, now known by the names of Paleópoli, or Nefterópoli, or Dhefterópoli. (Leake, Trav. in North. Greece, vol. 3. p. 178.) [E.B.J]