GERRU´NIUM a fortress of Phaebates, a district of the Dassaretii on the Illyrian border of Macedonia, which was taken and sacked by L. Apustius, a Roman officer, detached by Sulpicius, to ravage the territory of Philip, in the breaking out of the war against that prince. (Liv. 31.27.) Gerrunium (Gertunium?) is the same place as the GERTUS(Γερτοῦς), a place on the frontier of Dassaretia, which Scerdelaïdas had taken from Philip, and which the latter retook in the second year of the Social War (Plb. 5.108). GERUS(Γεροῦς), mentioned in the same chapter of Polybius, is a different place from Gerrunium, which was, probably, lower down on the valley of the Uzumithan Antipatria ( Berát), perhaps near the junction of the Uzúmiand Devól. (Leake, Trav. in North. Greece, vol. 3. p. 327.)