
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

HELVILLUM a town of Umbria, on the Via Flaminia, known only from the Itineraries, which place it 27 M. P. from Forum Flaminii, or 15 M. P. from Nuceria. These distances coincide with the position of Sigillo, a village that still forms one of the stages on the modern road which follows the line of the Flaminian Way. ( Itin. Ant. p. 125; Tab. Pent. ) At the same time, the name of Sigillosuggests a relation with the Suillum of Pliny, who enumerates the Suillates among the towns of Umbria (3.14. s. 19); and it is not improbable that the Helvillum of the Itineraries is either identical with the Suillum of Pliny, or was situated in its immediate neighbourhood.