
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A town on the north coast of the Chersonesus Taurica; it was situated on the coast of the Palus Maeotis, near Parthenium, but its exact site is unknown. (Strab. 11. p. 494; Ptol. 3.6.4.)

2. A promontory on the east coast of the Euxine, south of cape Toretice, and 150 stadia north of the mouth of the river Achaeus. (Arrian, Peripl. p. 79.)

3. A cape and town on the same coast of the Euxine, 150 stadia south of the mouth of the Achaeus. (Arrian, Peripl. p. 78.) Pliny (Plin. Nat. 6.5) mentions Heracleium on this coast as 70 miles distant from Sebastopolis; but, although we have no means of ascertaining whether this or the other Heracleium be meant, the distance renders it probable that Pliny is speaking of the Heracleium south of the Achaeus.

4. A promontory and river on the same coast of the Euxine, between the rivers Phasis in the north and the Bathys in the south. (Plin. Nat. 6.4.)

5. A promontory and port-town on the coast of Pontus, between Amisus and Polemonium. (Strab. 12. p. 548: Ἡράκλειος ἄκρα; Ptol. 2.3.3: Ἡρακλέονς ἄκρον;Arrian, Peripl. p. 73; Apollon. 2.969). The modern name is Thermeh.

6. The name of the arx of the town of Caunus in Caria, which was taken and destroyed by Ptolemy of Egypt in his expedition against Asia Minor. (Diod. Sic. 20.27.)

A small town in the district Cyrrhestica, between mount Amanus and the Euphrates; near this place the Parthian Pacorus was defeated by the Roman general Ventidius. (Strab. xvi.p.751.) [L.S]