HOMANA mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.23) as a town in Pisidia, is no doubt the same as Οὐμανάδαin Hierocles (p. 675). It was, probably, situated at the southern extremity of lake Caralitis, and was the capital of the Homanades on the frontier of Isauria, who, besides Homana, are said to have possessed 44 forts (comp. Tac. Ann. 3.48), a statement opposed to the remarks of Strabo (xii. pp. 569, 668, 679), according to which the Homanades (Ὁμαναδεῖς), the most barbarous of all Pisidian tribes, dwelt on the northern slope of the highest mountains without any towns or villages, living only in caves. In the reign of Augustus, the consul Quirinius compelled this little tribe, by famine, to surrender, and distributed 4000 of them as colonists among the neighbouring towns.