
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

HYLAEA(Ὑλαίη, Ὑλέη, Steph. B.), the peninsula which lies to the NW. of Taurica, formed by the lower part of the Borysthenes, the Euxine, the gulf of Carcinitis, and the river Hypacyris, which flows through it. According to Herodotus (Hdt. 4.9, 18, 54, 76), it is a woody region lying to the E. of the Borysthenes (Dnieper), of which Pliny makes mention: Inde silvestris regio, Hylaeum mare, quo alluitur, cognominavit(4.12). It would seem to be indicated by Pomponius Mela: Hypacaris per Nomadas evolvitur, Silvae deinde sunt, quas maximas hae terrae ferunt(2.1.45: comp. Scymn. Fr. 105; Anon. Peripl. p. 3).
It is uncertain whether there remain any traces of this woodland. Some old maps present the name of the Black Forest in the very same place; and this may have had a much wider extent in earlier times. From the communications of several travellers, however, it appears that there is no wood now, although the fact of its having once existed is preserved in the popular traditions of the country; nor does the woody country occur till the banks of the river Donare reached. (Heeren, Ideen, vol. i. pt. 2. p. 272; trans. vol. 2. p. 8.) It has been identified with the great plain of Janboyloukin the steppe of the Nogai. (Rennell, Geog. of Herod. vol. 1. p. 83; Potocki, Voyage dans les Steps d'Astrakhan, vol. 1. p. 179; Köler, Mém. de l'Acad. de St. Petersb. vol. 10. p. 655; Kohl, Süd Russland, vol. i.p. 75.)