
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ISTRO´POLIS, ISTRIO´POLIS, HISTRIO´POLIS (Ἰστρόπολις, Ἰστρία πόλις, or simply. Ἴστρος· Istere), a town of Lower Moesia, at the southern extremity of lake Halmyris, on the coast of the Euxine. It was a colony of Miletus, and, at least in Strabo's time, a small town. (Strab. 7. p. 319; Plin. Nat. 4.18. 24;, Mela, 2.2; Eutrop. 6.8; Hdt. 2.33; Arrian, Perip. Eux. p. 24; Geog. Rav.5.1.6; Lycoph. 74; Ptol. 3.10.8; Scymn. Fragm. 22; Steph. B. s. v.;Ammian. 22.8; Hieroel. p. 637.) But the frequent mention of the place shows that it must have been a commercial town of some importance ; of its history, however, nothing is known. Some modern writers have identified it with Kiusntenzaor Kostendsje, the ancient Constantiana, which, however, was in all probability situated to the south of Istropolis.