Julium Carnicum

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

JU´LIUM CA´RNICUM(Ἰούλιον Κάρνικον, Ptol: Zuglio), a town of the Carni, situated at the foot of the Julian Alps, which, from its name, would seem to have been a Roman colony founded either by Julius Caesar, or in his honour by Augustus. If Paulus Diaconus is correct in ascribing the foundation of Forum Julii to the dictator himself (P. Diac. Hist. Lang. 2.14), there is little doubt that Julium Carnicum dates from the same period: but we have no account of its foundation. Ptolemy in one place distinctly describes it as in Noricum (8.7.4), in another more correctly as situated on the frontiers of Noricum and Italy (μεταξὺ τῆς Ἰταλίας καὶ Νωρικοῦ, 2.13.4). But Pliny expressly includes it in the territory of the Carni and the tenth region of Italy ( Julienses Carnorum,3.19. s. 23), and its position on the S. side of the Alps clearly entitles it to be considered in Italy. Its position is correctly indicated by the Itinerary of Antoninus (p. 219), which places it 60 M. P., from Aquileia, on the road leading nearly due N. from that city over the Julian Alps. The first stage on this road, Ad Tricesimum,still retains the name of Trigesimo, and the site of Julium Carnicum is marked by the village of Zuglio(where some Roman remains have been discovered), in a side valley opening into that of the Tagliamento, about 4 miles above Tolmezzo. The pass from thence over the Monte di Sta. Croceinto the valley of the Gail, now practicable only for mules, follows the line of the ancient Roman road, given in the Itinerary, and therefore probably a frequented pass under the Romans [ALPES p. 110, No. 7]: but the inscription on the faith of which the construction of this road has been ascribed to Julius Caesar is a palpable forgery. (Cluver. Ital. p. 200.)