
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LEUCAE or LEUCE(Λεῦκαι, Λεύκη) a small town of Ionia, in the neighbourhood of Phocaea, was situated, according to Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.31), in promontorio quod insula fuit.From Scylax (p. 37) we learn that it was a place with harbours. According to Diodorus (Diod. 15.18) the Persian admiral Tachos founded this town on an eminence on the sea coast, in B.C. 352; but shortly after, when Tachos had died, the Clazomenians and Cymaeans quarrelled about its possession, and the former succeeded by a stratagem in making themselves masters of it. At a later time Leucae became remarkable for the battle fought in its neighbourhood between the consul Licinius Crassus and Aristonicus, B.C. 131. (Strab. 14. p. 646; Justin (Justin. 36.4.) Some have supposed this place to be identical with the Leuconium mentioned by Thucydides (Thuc. 8.24); but this is impossible, as this latter place must be looked for in Chios. The site of the ancient Leucae cannot be a matter of doubt, as a village of the name of Levke, close upon the sea, at the foot of a hill, is evidently the modern representative of its ancient namesake. (Arundell, Seven Churches, p. 295.)