
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LEUCOPHRYS(Λευκόφρυς), a town in Caria, apparently in the plain of the Maeander, on the borders of a lake, whose water was hot and in constant commotion. (Xenoph. Hell. 4.8.17, 3.2.19.) From the latter of the passages here referred to, we learn that the town possessed a very revered sanctuary of Artemis; hence surnamed Artemis Leucophryene or Leucophryne. (Paus. 1.26.4; Strab. 14. p. 647; Tac. Ann. 3.62.) The poet Nicander spoke of Leucophrys as a place distinguished for its fine roses. (Athen. 15. p. 683.)
Respecting Leucophrys, the ancient name of Tenedos, see TENEDOS