
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LIBARNA(Λίβαρνα), a city of Liguria, which is mentioned by Pliny among the nobilia oppidathat adorned the interior of that province, as well as by Ptolemy and the Itineraries, in which its name appears as Libarnumor Libarium.(Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 7; Ptol. 3.1.45; Itin. Ant. p. 294; Tab. Peut. ) These place it on the road from Genua to Dertona, but the distances given are certainly corrupt, and therefore afford no clue to the position of the town. This has, however, been of late years established beyond doubt by the discovery of its remains on the left bank of the Scrivia, between Arquataand Serravalle. The traces still visible of its ancient theatre, forum, and aqueducts, confirm Pliny's statement of its flourishing condition; which is further attested by several inscriptions, from one of which it would appear to have enjoyed colonial rank. (S. Quintino, Antica Colonies di Libarna, in the Mem. dell' Accadem. di Torino, vol. 29. p. 143; Aldini, Lapidi Ticinesi, pp. 120, 139.)