
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LOPADUSSA(Λοπαδυῦσσα, Strab. 17. p. 834; Λοπαδοῦσα, Ptol. 4.3.34: Lampedusa), a small island off the E. coast of Africa Propria, opposite to the town of Thapsus, at the distance of 80 stadia, according to an ancient Periplus (Iriarte, Bibl. Matrit. Cod. Graec. p. 488). Pliny places it about 50 M. P. N. of Cercina, and makes its length about 6 M. P. (Plin. Nat. 3.8. s. 14, 5.7. s. 7.) It really lies about 80 English miles E. of Thapsus, and about 90 NE. of Cercina.