LU´DIAS, LY´DIAS(Λυδίης, Hdt. 7.127; Λυδίας, Eur. Bacch. 565; Scyl. p. 26; Ptol. 3.13.15; Λουδίας, Strab. 7. p. 330), a river of Bottiaeis in Macedonia, or discharge of the marshes of Pella. In the time of Herodotus (l. c.) it joined the Haliacmon, but a change has taken place in its course, as it is now an affluent of the Axius ( Vardhári). The river which now emerges from the lower end of the lake of Pella is called Karasmákor Mavronéri. The river of Moglená, now called Karadjá, by the Turks, Meglesnítj, by the Bulgarians, and by the Greeks Moglenitiko, which falls into the lake of Pella, and which in its course before entering the lake follows the same direction as the Mavronéri, was probably called by the ancients the Lydias. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. pp. 270, 437.)