
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MAGYDUS(Μάγυδος: Eth. Μαγυδεύς;called Μάσηδοςby Scylax, p. 39), a town of Pamphylia, on the coast between Attaleia and Perge, and subsequently of episcopal rank, is probably the MYGDALE(Μυγδάλη), of the Stadiasmus. There are numerous imperial coins of Magydus, hearing the epigraph ΜΑΓΥΔΕΩΝ.Leake identities it with Laara. (Ptol. 5.5.2; Hierocl. p. 679; Stadiasms. §§ 201, 202; Leake, Asia Minor, p. 194 Cramer, Asia Minor, vol. 2. p. 278.)