
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MANI´TAE(Μανῖται), an inland tribe of Arabia Felix, situated west of the Thanuetae, and south of the Salaperni, north of the inner Frankincensecountry (ἡ ἐντὸς Σμυρνοφόρος, Ptol. 6.7.23). The position of Ptolemy's Manitae,west of his Katanitae, and of ZamesMons, together with the near resemblance of name, implies their being the same with the Mazeyneof Burckhardt, the most eastern of the Harb tribes, situated on the borders of Karymin the line of country between Medinaand Derayeh. (Forster, Geog. of Arabia, vol. 2. p. 249.)