
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MANLIA´NA) Μανλίανα ἢ Μαρλίανα, Ptol. 4.2.25), an inland town of Mauretania, upon the position of which there is a great disagreement between Ptolemy and the author of the Itinerary. The first places it 10′ to the W. of OPPIDUM NOVUM and the latter 18 M. P. to the E. of that place. The modern Miliana, on the slopes of the Lesser Atlas, preserving the ancient name, may be presumed to represent the old town, both of Ptolemy and the Itinerary, in which a Christian community was established. (Augustin. Ep. ccxxxvi.; Morcelli, Africa Christiana, vol. 1. p. 211.) Shaw ( Travels, pp. 62—64) found remains of Roman architecture, and a cippuswith an inscription which he refers to some of the descendants of Cn. Pompeius (Barth, Wanderungen, pp. 58, 207.)