
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MARTIA´NE(ΜαρτιανήPtol. 6.2. §§ 2. 5), a lake placed by Ptolemy (l. c.) in Atropatene, and probably the same as that called SPAUTA by Strabo (ἡ λίμνη Σπαῦτα, 11. p. 523). St. Martin ( Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. 1. p. 57) has ingeniously conjectured that the name Spauta that is applied to it in our MSS. of Strabo, is an error of some copyist for Capita, a word which answers to the Armeniani Gaböidand Persian Kabúd, signifying blue,and which, in allusion to the colour of the water, is the title usually assigned to it by the Oriental geographers. It is identified with the lake of Urumíyahin Azerbaiján, remarkable for the quantity of salt which it retains in solution. This peculiarity has been noticed by Strabo (l.c.), where, for the unintelligible reading καταπορωθεῖσιν, Groskurd (ad loc.) has substituted the καπυρωθεῖσινof the MSS. and older editions. ( Journ. Geog. Soc. vol. 3. p. 56, vol. x. pp. 7—9; Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. 9. p. 782; Chesney, Euphrat. vol. i. pp. 77, 97.)