
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MARTIS, AD, a mansio marked by the Itins. on the road from Taurini ( Turino) to Brigantio ( Briançon) in Gallia Narbonensis, and the next station to Brigantio. The Antonine Itinerary makes it xviiii. M. P. between Ad Martis and Brigantio, omitting Gesdao [GESDAO]. The Table gives the same distance between Ad Martis and Brigantio, thus divided: from Ad Martis to Gascido (Gesdao) viii., to Alpis Cottia, v., to Brigantio vi.; and the Jerusalem Itin. makes the distance between Ad Martis and Brigantio the same. Ad Martis is fixed at Houlxor Oulx, on the road from Susa to Brianön. Ammianus Marcellinus mentions this place nomine Martis.(15.10), and he calls it a statio.