
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MAXU´LA(Μαξοῦλα, Ptol. 4.3.7), a Roman colonia(Maxulla, Plin. Nat. 5.3), about the exact distance of which from Carthage there is a considerable discrepancy in the Itineraries ( Anton. Itin.; Peut. Tab. ). From an expression of Victor Vitensis ( de Persecut. Vandal. 1.5.6), who calls it Ligula,a tongue of land,its position was probably on the coast, between R‘âdesand Hammâm-el-Euf, where there are the remains of a Roman road.
The Coast-describer ( Stadiasm. ) speaks of the harbour and town of Maxyla as 20 stadia from CRAPIS,or the modern Garbos:this was probably different from the former, and is the modern Mrîsa, where there are the remains of a town and harbour. (Shaw, Trav. p. 157; Barth, Wanderungen, p. 128.) As connected with the gentile epithet Maxyes or Mazyes, it is likely that there were several places of this name. Ptolemy (Ptol. 4.3.34) has MAXULA VETUS(Μάξουλα Πάλαια), and the Antonine Itinerary a station which it describes as MAXULA PRATES,20 M. P. from Carthage. It is found in the Notitia, and was famous in the annals of Martyrology (Augustin, Serm. c. lxxxiii; Morcelli, Africa Christiana, vol. 1. p. 220.)