
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MELITAEA or MELITEIA(Μελιταία, Strab., Plin., Steph. B.; Μελίτεια, Polyb.; Μελιτία, Thuc.: Eth. Μελιταιεύς, Μελιτεύςan ancient town of Phthiotis in Thessaly, situated near the river Enipeus, at the distance of 10 stadia from the town Hellas. (Strab. 9. p. 432.) The inhabitants of Melitaea affirmed that their town was anciently called Pyrrha, and they showed in the market-place the tomb of Hellen, the son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, (Strab. l. c.) When Brasidas was marching through Thessaly to Macedonia, his Thessalian friends met him at Melitaea in order to escort him (Thuc. 4.78); and we learn from this narrative that the town was one day's march from Pharsalus, whither Brasidas proceeded on leaving the former place. In the Lamiac war the allies left their baggage at Melitaea, when they proceeded to attack Leonnatus. (Diod. 18.15.) Subsequently Melitaea was in the hands of the Aetolians. Philip attempted to take it, but he did not succeed, in consequence of his scaling-ladders being too short. (Plb. 5.97, 9.18.) Melitaea is also mentioned by Scylax, p. 24; Ephor. ap Steph. B. s. v.; Dicaearch. p. 21; Plin. Nat. 4.9. s. 16; Ptol. 3.13.46, who erroneously calls it Μελίταρα.Leake identifies it with the ruins of an ancient fortress situated upon a lofty hill on the left bank of the Enipeus, at the foot of which stands the small village of Keuzlár. ( Northern Greece, vol. 4. p. 469, seq.)