
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MENDE(Μένδη, Hdt. 7.123; Scyl. p. 26; Thuc. 4.123; Steph. B.), or MENDAE (Μένδαι, Paus. 5.10.27; Plin. Nat. 4.10; Μένδα, Polyaen. 2.1.21; Suid. s. v.;Mendis, Liv. 31.45: Eth. Μενδαῖος), a town of Pallene, situated on the SW. side the cape. It was a colony of Eretria in Euboea, which became subject to Athens with the other cities of Pallene and Chalcidice. On the arrival of Brasidas, Mende revolted from the Athenians (Thuc. l. c.), but was afterwards retaken by Nicias and Nicostratus (Thuc. 4.130; Diod. 12.72). It appears, from the account which Livy (l. c.) gives of the expedition of Attalus and the Romans (B.C. 200), to have been a small maritime place under the dominion of Cassandria. Together with Scione, Mende occupied the broadest part of the peninsula (Pomp. Mela, 2.3.11), and is probably represented by some Hellenic remains which have been observed on the shore near Kávo-Posídhi, to the E., as well as on the heights above it, (Leake, North. Greece, vol. 3. p. 156.) The types on its autonomous coins—Silenus riding upon an ass, and a Diotain a square (Eckhel, vol. 2. p. 72)—refer to the famous Mendaean wine, of which the ancients make honourable mention. (Athen. i. pp. 23, 29, 4. p. 129, 8. p. 364, 11. p. 784; Hippocrat. vol. 2. p. 472, ed. Kühn; Jul. Poll. Onomast. vi. segm. 15.) COIN OF MENDE.