
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MESO´GIS or MESSO´GIS(Μεσωγίς, Μεσσωγίς), the chief mountain of Lydia, belonging to the trunk of Mount Taurus, and extending on the north of the Maeander, into which it sends numerous small streams, from Celaenae to Mycale, which forms its western termination. Its slopes were known in antiquity to produce an excellent kind of wine. (Strab. xiv. pp. 629, 636, 637, 648, 650; Steph; B. s. v.;Ptol. 5.2.13, where Μισῆτιςis, no doubt, only a corrupt form of Μεσωγίς.) Mounts Pactyes and Thorax, near its western extremity, are only branches of Mesogis, and even the large range of Mount Tmolus is, in reality, only an off-shoot of it. Its modern Turkish name is Kestaneh Dagh, that is, chestnut mountain.