
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

METAGONI´TAE(Μεταγωνῖται, Ptol. 4.2.10), a people of Mauretania, between the Mulucha and the Pillars of Hercules. Their name recalls the URBES METAGONITICAE(Μεταγωνιτῶν πόλεις, Plb. 3.33), or settlements founded by the Carthaginians on the NW. coast, and which seem to have formed a regular chain from their frontier to the Pillars of Hercules (Scyl. p. 81). These marts enabled the republic to carry on inland trade with the nomad tribes, as well as to keep open a communication by land with Spain. (Heeren, African Nations, vol, 1. p. 52, transl.)