
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

METAPA(ἡ Μέταπα: Eth. Μεταπαῖος, Μεταπεύς), a town in Aetolia, situated on the northern shore of the lake Trichonis, at the entrance of a narrow defile, and 60 stadia from Thermum. It was burnt by Philip, on his invasion of Aetolia, B.C. 218, as he returned from the capture of Thermum. Its site cannot be fixed with certainty, notwithstanding the description of Polybius. Leake places it immediately below Vrakhóri, near the eastern extremity of the lake Hyria, or the smaller of the two lakes; supposing that as these two lakes are connected with one another, the larger division may often have given name to the whole. (Plb. 5.7, 13; Steph. B. s. v.;Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 1. p. 150, seq.; comp. THERMUM)