
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

METHO´NE(Μεθώνη, Steph. B.), a town of Pieria in Macedonia, on the Thermaic gulf, mentioned in the Periplus of Scylax (p. 26), and therefore one of the Greek colonies established in early times on this coast. According to Plutarch ( Quaest. Graec. p. 293), a party of Eretrians settled there, who were called by the natives ἀπσσφενδόνητοι, and who appear to have come there nearly at the same time as the occupation of Corcyra by the Corinthians B.C. 730—720. The town was occupied by the Athenians with a view of annoying Perdiccas, by ravaging his territory, and affording a refuge to his discontented subjects. (Thuc. 6.7.) It appears to have been in 354—353 B.C. that Philip attacked Methone, the last remaining possession of Athens on the Macedonian coast. The position was a convenient station for Athenian privateers to intercept trading vessels, not merely to and from Macedonian ports, but also from Olynthus and Potidaea. The siege was vigorously pressed by Philip; and the Methonaeans, who gallantly held out until all their means were exhausted, were at length compelled to surrender. The inhabitants were allowed to depart with one garment; but the walls were razed to the ground, and the land apportioned among Macedonian colonists. Philip lost the sight of one eye in this siege. (Diod. 16.31—34; Dem. Olynth. 1. p. 12, Philip. 1. p. 41, 3. p. 117; Plut. Par. 8; Luc. de Scrib. Hist. 38; Strab. 7. p. 330; Justin. 7.6.) Mr. Grote ( Hist. of Greece, vol. xi. pp. 363, foll., comp. p. 488) is of opinion that this happened afterwards (B.C. 348), at another place called Methone, situated in the Chalcidic peninsula, near Olynthus and Apollonia. The epitomiser of Strabo (7. p. 330) places Methone at a distance of 40 stadia from Pydna. This statement does not agree with the position assigned by Leake ( North. Greece, vol. 3. p. 435) to Methone at Elefthero-khóri, 2 miles from the sea; but the Epitome is not much to be depended on in this passage.