
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. (Μίδεια,Paus.; Μιδέα, Strab.: Eth. Μιδεάτης), an ancient city of the Argeia, was originally called Persepolis (Περσέως πόλις, Steph. B. s. v. Μίδεια), and is mentioned by Apollodorus (ii.. 4.4) in connection with this hero, It was said to have derived its name from the wife of Electryon, and was celebrated as the residence of Electryon and the birthplace of his daughter Alcmena. (Paus. 2.25.9; Schol. ad Pind. Ol. 7.49.) But it is mentioned in the earliest division of the country, along with the Heraeum and Tiryns, as belonging to Proetus. (Paus. 2.16.2.) It was the residence of Hippodameia in her banishment. (Paus. 6.20. §. 7.) It was destroyed by Argos, probably at the same time as Tiryns, soon after the Persian wars. (Paus. 8.27.1; Strab. 8. p. 373.)
Strabo describes Midea as near Tiryns; and from its mention by Pausanias, in connection with the Heraeum and Tiryns, it must be placed on the eastern edge of the Argeian plain; but the only clue .to its exact position is the statement of Pausanias, who says that, returning from Tiryns into the road leading from Argos to Epidaurus, you will reach Mideia on the left(2.25.9).
Two different sites have been assigned to Mideia. The French Commission place it at the Hellenic remains at Dendrá, 5 1/2 geographical miles direct E. by N. from the citadel of Argos, as this place lies to the left of the road from Argos to Epidaurus. But Leake objects, that the distance of Dendráfrom this road—more than 3 geographical, miles—is greater than is implied by the words of Pausanias. He therefore places Mideia at the Hellenic remains near Katzíngri, 2 geographical miles due E. of Tiryns. The objection to the latter. site is that it lies to the right of the road from Argos to Epidaurus, from which it is separated by a deep ravine. The ruins at Dendrástand upon a hill almost inaccessible on three sides, enclosed by four different walls, one above another, In one of them is a gateway formed of three pieces of stone, resembling the smaller gateway of the citadel of Mycenae. The ruins descend from the summit to a fountain, which springs out of a grotto near a chapel of the Panaghia. The surrounding meadows afford good pasture for horses, and thus illustrate the epithet of Statius ( Theb. 4.44) aptior armentis Midea,and the selection of this place as the residence of the horse-loving Hippodameia in her banishment. (Boblaye, Récherches, &c. p. 52; Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 268; Curtius, Peloponnesos, vol. 2. p. 395.)

2. A city of Boeotia. [LEBADEIA]