
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MOCISUS or MOCISUM(Μωκησός, Μωκισόν) a fort in the north western part of Cappadocia, which the Emperor Justinian, at the time when he divided the country into three provinces, raised to the rank of the capital of Cappadocia III. On that occasion the place was considerably enlarged, and its name was changed into Justinianopolis. (Procop. de Aed. 5.4; Hierocl. p. 701, where it is miswritten Πεγεκουκουσός, for Πεγεμουκισός;Const. Porph. de Them. 1.2; Steph. B. s. v. Μούκισσος;Conc. Const. 2. p. 96.) It modern name is Kir Shehr.