
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MODRA(τὰ Μόδρα), a small town, which, according to Strabo (12. p. 543), was situated in Phrygia Epictetus, at the sources of the river Gallus; but as this river flows down from the northern shope of mount Olympus, which there forms the boundary between Phrygia and Bithynia, Strabo must be mistaken, and Modra probably belonged to the south-west of Bithynia, and was situated at or near the modern Aine Geul. (Paul. Lucas, Sec. Voy. 1.14.) As Strabo's expression is ἐκ Μόδρων, some have supposed that Modra was not town at all, but only a name of a district; but it is known from Constantine Porphyrogenitus ( de Them. vi.) that the district about Modra was called Modrene.