
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MOPSUCRE´NE(Μόψου κρνήνη), a town in the eastern part of Cilicia, on the river Cydnus, and not far from the frontier of Cataonia to which Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.7.7), in fact, assigns it. Its site was on the southern slope of Mount Taurus, and in the neighbourhood of the mountain pass leading from Cilicia into Cappadocia, twelve miles north of Tarsus. It is celebrated in history as the place where the emperor Constantius died, A.D. 361. (Sozom. 5.1; Philostorg. 6.5; Eutrop. 10.7; Ammian. 21.29; Itin. Ant. p. 145, where it is called Namsucrone; It. Hieros. p. 579, where its name is mutilated into Mansverine.)