
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NACOLEIA, NACO´LIA(Νακόλεια, Νακολία), a town in Phrygia Epictetus, between Dorylaeum and Cotyaeum, on the upper course of the river Thymbres. (Strab. 12. p. 576; Steph. B. s. v.;Ptol. 5.2.22.) In the earlier times, the town does not seem to have been a place of much consequence, but later writers often mention it. It has acquired some celebrity from the fact that the emperor Valens there defeated the usurper Procopius. (Ammian. 27.27; comp. Zosim. 4.8; Socrat. Hist. Eccl. 4.5; Sozom. 4.8.) In the reign of Arcadius, Nacoleia was occupied by a Gothic garrison, which revolted against the emperor. (Philostorg. 11.8; comp. Hierocl. p. 678; Cone. Chalced. p. 578.) The Peuting.Table places it 20 miles south of Dorylaeum, and Col. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 24) is inclined to identify the place with Pismesh Kalesi, near Doganlu, where he saw some very remarkable, apparently sepulchral, monuments. But the monuments alluded to by Leake seem to have belonged to a more important place than Nacoleia, and Texier ( Descript. de l'Asie Min. vol. i.) asserts that it is proved by coins that Nacoleia was situated on the site of the modern Sidighasi, on the north-west of Doganlu.