
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NAMADUS(Νάμαδος, or Ναμάδης, Ptol. 7.1. §§ 5, 31, 62, 65), a great river of Western India, which, after rising in the M. Vindius ( Vindhya Mountains), falls into the S. Barygazenus ( Gulf of Cambay), not far from the town of Beroach. In the Peripl. M. Erythr. ( Geogr. Graec. vol. 1. p. 291, ed. Müller) the river is called Namnadius (Ναμνάδιος). The present name is Nerbudda, which, like the Greek form, is doubtless derived from the Sanscrit Narmâda, pleasant.(Forbes, Oriental Mem. ii. pp. 8, 104—112.)