
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NAZIANZUS(Ναζιανζός), a town in the southwest of Cappadocia, in the district called Garsauria, 24 miles to the south-east of Archelais. The place is not mentioned by the early writers, and owes its celebrity to the fact that it was the place where Gregory of Nazianzus was educated, and where he afterwards became bishop. (Hierocl. p. 700; Socrat. Hist. Eccles. 4.11; Greg. Naz. Vita Carm. 5.25, Epist. 50; Conc. Const. 2. p. 97; It. Ant. p. 144; It. Hieros. p. 577, where it is miswritten Nathiangus; comp. DIOCAESAREIA) Hamilton ( Researches, vol. 2. p. 228) is inclined to believe that the modern place called Euran Sheher, near Haval Dere, marks the site of Nazianzus, though others identify the village of Mimisuwith it.