
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NELCYNDA(τὰ Νελκύνδα, Peripl. §§ 53, 54, ed. Müller, 1855), a port on the W. coast of India, in the province called Limyrica, without doubt the same as that now called Neliseram. It is in lat. 12° 10′ N. It is mentioned in various authorities under names slightly modified one from the other: thus, it is the Melcynda of Ptolemy (Ptol. 7.1.9), in the country of the Aii; the portus gentisNeacyndonof Pliny (Plin. Nat. 6.26. s. 104), which was also called Bacare or Barace; the Nincylda of the Peutingerian Table; and Nilcinna of the Geogr. Raven. (2.1). The name is certainly of Indian origin, and may be derived, as suggested by Ritter (5. p. 515) from Nilakhanda, the blue county. Other derivations, however, have been proposed for it. (Vincent, Periplus, 2. p. 445; Rennell, Mem. Hindostan, p. 48; Gosselin, 3. p. 227.)