
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NEOCAESAREIA(Νεοκαισάρεια: Eth. Νεοκαισαρεύς).

1. A town in Pontus Polemoniacus, which, on account of its late origin, is not mentioned by any writer before the time of Pliny, was situated on the eastern bank of the river Lycus, 63 miles to the east of Amasia. (Plin. Nat. 6.3; Tab. Peuting. ) It was the capital of the district, and celebrated for its size and beauty, and is of historical importance on account of the ecclesiastical council held there in A.D. 314. We possess no information about the date of its foundation; but the earliest coins we have of it bear the image of the emperor Tiberius; whence it is probable that Neocaesareia was founded, or at least received that name, in the reign of Tiberius, when Strabo, who does not notice it, had already composed his work. It must have rapidly risen in extent and prosperity, as in the time of Gregorius Thaumaturgus, who was a native of the place, it was the most considerable town in Pontus. (Greg. Neocaes. Vit. p. 577; Ammian. 27.12; Hierocl. p. 702; Basil, Epist. 210; Acta Eutych. 100.7; comp. Steph. B. s. v.;Solin. 45; Ptol. 5.6.10.) According to Paulus Diaconus ( Hist. Misc. 2.18), the town was once destroyed by an earth-quake; and from Stephanus Byz. it seems that at one time it was called Adrianopolis. The town still exists under a corrupt form of its ancient name, Nicsaror Nicsara, at a distance of two days' journey north of Tokat. As to the supposed identity of Cabira and Neocaesareia, see CABIRA

2. A town of Bithynia, of uncertain site. (Steph. B. s. v.;Hieroel. p. 693; Concil. Const. vol. 3. p. 668.) [L.S]