
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NEONTEICHOS(Νέον τεῖχος), an Aeolian town not far from the coast of Mysia, situated between the Hermus and the town of Larissa, from which its distance was only 30 stadia. It is said to have been founded by the Aeolians, as a temporary fort on their first arrival in Asia. According to Strabo (13. p. 621), the place was more ancient even than Cyme; but according to a statement in the Vita Homeri (100.10), it was built eight years later than Cyme, as a protection against the Pelasgians of Larissa. (Plin. Nat. 5.32; Hdt. 1.149; Scyl. p. 28; Steph. B. s. v.) Remains of this town, says Cramer, ought to be sought for on the right bank of the Hermus, and above Quisel-Hissar, on the road from Smyrna to Bergamah.