
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NE´PHELIS(Νεφελίς), a small town on the coast of Cilicia, situated, according to Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.8.1), between Antioch and Anemurium; but if, as some suppose, it be the same place as the Ζεφέλιονmentioned in the Stadiasmus Maris Magni (§§ 181, 182), it ought to be looked for between Selinus and Celenderis. Near the place was a promontory of the same name, where, according to Livy (Liv. 33.20), the fleet of Antiochus the Great was stationed, when, after reducing the towns of Cilicia as far as Selinus, he was engaged in the siege of Coracesium, and where he received the ambassadors of the Rhodians. (Comp. Leake, Asia Minor, p. 119.)