
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NICO´NIUM(Νικώνιον, Scylax, p. 29), a city of European Sarmatia, which Strabo (7. p. 306) places at 180 stadia from the mouth of the Tyras, while the anonymous Coast-describer (p. 9) fixes it at 300 stadia from the Isiacorum Portus, and 30 stadia from the Tyras on the coast. Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v.) states that it was at the mouth of the Ister, but for Ἴστρου, Τύρουshould probably be read. Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.10.16) has removed it from the coast, and placed it too far to the N. Its position must be looked for near Ovidiopol.