
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

NOEODU´NUM(Νοιόδουνον), was the chief city of the Diablintes [DIABLINTES], or of the Aulircii Diaulitae, as the name appears in the Greek texts of Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.8.7). There is no doubt that the old Gallic name of the town was exchanged for that of the people, Diablintes; which name in a middle age document, referred to by D'Anville, is written Jublent, and hence comes the corrupted name Jubleins, a small place a few leagues from Mayenne. There are said to be some Roman remains at Jubleins.
A name Nudionnum occurs in the Theodosian Table between Araegenus and Subdinnum ( Mans), and it is marked as a capital town. It appears to be the Noeodunum of the Diablintes.