
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

OE´NEON(Οἰνεών), a town of the Locri Ozolae, east of Naupactus, possessing a port and a sacred enclosure of the Nemeian Zeus, where Hesiod was said to have been killed. It was from this place that Demosthenes set out on his expedition into Aetolia, in B.C. 426, and to which he returned with the remnant of his forces. Leake supposes that the territory of Oeneon was separated from that of Naupactus by the river Morno, and that Oeneon perhaps stood at Mugúla, or near the fountain Ambla. (Thuc. 3.95, seq.; Steph. B. s. v.;Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 2. p. 616.)